A useful tool for export trading company.

Exporter software
Software to create catalogue, cost sheet, trading & shipping document for exporter. It generates full set document including quotation, cost sheet, PI, PO, SC and invoice. Meantime it will issue full set import & export documents includes certificates, declaration, beneficiary statement & etc...... Learn more
- product catalog function to maintain a library of product history.
- costing module to precisely control product cost by compare with quote.
- costing comparison report to identify most profitable supplier.
- purchase Vs sales analysis; find out cheapest product and most generous customer.
- outstanding payment report to track customer credit level.
screenshotDashboard - A simple workflow to handle export trading
screenshotProduct Details - Detailed information about individual product
screenshotCosting - Costing form create simple costing sheet
screenshotShipping - Module to create full set export documents